Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lighting the gas station!

As I said in my last post, I said I did the night lighting on the Flagstaff club layout. Using that experience, I'm playing around with a new method.

So here's the gas station in question. Made by City Classics, it is fairly plain, just like a standard Design Preservation Model (DPM). So if one is observant, you'll note the fuel island missing its pumps. Those are a later project since I'm hoping on putting a few lights in those just to give it a little more character.

The building came with an insert for the store, which isn't awesome but certainly a good starting point. The bad thing about this kit though is that the floor didn't come leveled out with the rest of it on the outside. In other words, one had to add their own material inside the building to get it to where the "concrete" indicates it should be. In my case, I chose a wood floor, really due to that being what I had on hand.

Lights in real buildings are, for the most part, mounted on or near the ceiling. Now getting lights to stay in place can be tricky on even a permanent layout can be difficult. Remember that these are modules. They are intended to be moved from location to location, so there are many more forces in play here. Most layouts don't have to worry about keeping EVERYTHING in place in the event that it gets moved. I get to make sure I can shake it, while it is even upside down, and nothing moves or comes free. Ok, the roofs of the buildings will come off... The buildings don't! (or at least soon enough) So that means I can't just cram the bulb into the spot and quickly get the roof into place while hoping nothing's moved. Hopefully the answer are those two beams now installed in the building.  a few more zip ties and things might even look nice!

And now for the lights!

Guess this means I get to put stuff inside now! That'll be next month's project!

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