This time was again, not very exciting. Mostly got the room cleaned up...
Anyways, I finally got the other two Digitrax panels mounted and mostly hooked up. One of the panels isn't hooked up to the track yet but that really should be fairly quick.
I did finally finish getting the interior of the gas station painted well enough that the black isn't really showing through. Next time, I get to reassemble it! (Sorry no pictures this time, again!)
I got some more LEDs in. I doubt I'll need to order any more any time soon! I did also get some fiber optic cable (.75mm). Might just have to do some experimenting!
The other project that got started is a rotary car dump! This thing is gonna be big, too! The current design is calling for it to be able to dump two cars at a time! The only thing really close is a Walthers kit that is out of production, the Walthers paper mill version, or a custom version! I'm going the custom version for both the length issue and the durability issue. Online research turned up that despite the Walthers kit being designed to be motorized, it just doesn't hold up well to extensive use. The other issue is that due to the kit being made out of plastic, it doesn't have the weight behind it to run very well. Hopefully this works out well! And yes, I found a few options for WORKING rotary couplers!
Next time won't be until Christmas that I get home but it's doubtful that I'll get anything done. Maybe I can make it to the Gadison Pacific's swap in January!
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