Now those LEDs are a little on the large side but not too bad in person. I did weather another car, along with adding graffiti to it. Here is a couple of pictures of it at the grade crossing at Durkee Road, which happens to be the real point these modules are based on!
Of note, I will be both changing the scenery to that more like the scenery to around the gas station and adding street lights to the main drag. The lights have been purchased and are waiting on, from the photo above's perspective, the left side's sidewalk to be completed. An idea I'm toying around with is having a SWIFT driver stuck making a left turn from the side street onto the main drag with their hazard lights on due to not being able to make the turn in the amount of space provided. Might just have to get the WOodland Scenics police offices there too! And if you're asking, "Why a SWIFT truck?" I Sure Wish I Finished Training! (and that's one of the nice acronyms!)